Experience seamless communication of data, complete automation of hospitals and patient monitoring systems with Healthgrate smart hospitals.

Why Healthgrate digital prescription?

Digital Prescription Provider

Personalised prescriptions

An A-4 size sheet backed by advanced technology, Artificial Intelligence and high-quality security mechanisms accompanied with other smart features that ramps up the OPD experience to its fullest potential.

Improved patient engagement and retention

Smart features ensuring high patient treatment compliance while at the same time saving the consultation time. This guarantees better outcomes for patients requiring constant care.

Smart Health Card
Digital Prescription Provider

Healthgrate DocPen Benefits

Doctor Digital Prescription

Improved productivity of the healthcare providers

Doctors who have transitioned to digital-prescription based record keeping have experienced improved productivity as manually typing prescriptions is extremely time-consuming. With Healthgrate digital prescription customized for the individualistic needs of the doctors, it helps enhance the productivity of the doctors in all spheres of practice.

Digital Prescription Provider

Enhanced patient loyalty

Healthgrate digital prescription has enhanced patient loyalty and improved the level of care and connect between the patients and the doctors beyond just clinical care. As a result, the word-of-mouth doctor publicity improves and patient loyalty also increases.

Medical Health Card

Effective management of patient’s requiring chronic care

Patients with chronic diseases need care beyond clinical care. In the past years, doctors have not had the right visibility for the patient journey leading to missing out on plans for critical care. With Healthgrate digital prescription, doctors manage to provide care to patients even in the remotest of locations and keep track of the patients’ medical condition without the need for investing in any extra efforts.

Doctor Digital Prescription

Improved compliance with patient treatment

Patients usually forget about the verbal instructions from the doctors post treatment related consultations which ultimately leads to poor diagnosis and treatment outcomes. With Healthgrate digital prescriptions, doctors are enabled to effectively record voice instructions which stays put for their and the patients’ reference.

Bringing innovation in healthcare with futuristic technology and smart clinics solutions.